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作者: 发布时间:2023-02-28



辛纳纳 副教授







2005.09-2009.07 bat365在线平台 学士;

2009.09-2014.07 北京大学 博士






        1- Preparation of Vinylphosphonates from Ketones Promoted by Tf2O N. N. Xin*, Y. Lv, Y. Lian, Z. Lin, X.-Q. Huang, C.-Q. Zhao*, and Y. Wang J. Org. Chem. 2023, ASAP. DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.2c02563.

        2-Markovnikov-addition of H-phosphonates to terminal alkynes under metal- and solvent-free conditions. N. N. Xin*, Y. Lian, Y. Lv, Y. J. Wang, X.-Q. Huang, and C.-Q. Zhao*, RSC Adv., 2021, 11, 24991-24994.

        3-The crystal structure of N,N’-(Disulfanediyldi-2,1-phenylene)di(6’-methylpyridine)-2-carboxamide, C26H22N4O2S2 N. N. Xin, J. Zheng and Q. P. He*, Z. Kristallogr. - N. Cryst. Struct., 2021, 236, 1055-1057.

        4- 不同构象表示法使用Cram规则的探讨 辛纳纳*,龚树文,黄现强 化学教育2020411227-30.

        5- A Novel Organic–Inorganic Hybrids Heterometallic Materials: Synthesis and Highly Efficient Conversion of CO2 X. Y. Jiang, H. M. Ding, Y. Liu, H. C. Zhang, N. N. Xin*, Q. P. He* Sci. Adv. Mater. 2019, 11, 203–207.

        6- Controlled synthesis of two pyrazole-3-carboxylic acid mononuclear- and binuclear-Copper complexes and their highly selective oxidation of benzylic sp3 C-H bonds D. D. Zhong, C. X. Li, Y. J. Li, Y. H. Wang, H. C. Zhang, Y. Q. Qi, X. Q. Huang*N. N. Xin*, D. C. Li*, B. Q. Wang Sci. Adv. Mater. 2019, 11, 223-229.

        7- One-Pot Reaction To Form Hydrophosphorylated Fullerenes from C60 and Ph3–nPCln/ROH N. N. Xin*, X. Y. Xie, C. -Q. Zhao, X. Q. Huang, J. H. Zhang, J. -Y. Du, J. Yang, C. L. Ma, Synlett, 2018, 29(9), 1219-1222.

        8- Fullerene doping: Preparation of azafullerene C59NH and oxafulleroids C59O3 and C60O4, N. N. Xin, H. Huang, J. X. Zhang, Z. F. Dai, L. B. Gan* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 6163 –6166.

        9- Synthesis of C60(O)3: An open-cage fullerene with a ketolactone moiety on the orifice N. N. Xin, X. B. Yang, Z. S. Zhou, J. X. Zhang, S. X. Zhang, L. B. Gan* J. Org. Chem. 2013, 78, 1157−1162.

        10- Metal-Free One-Pot Synthesis of 3-Phosphinoylbenzofurans via Phospha-Michael Addition/Cyclization of H-Phosphine Oxides and in Situ Generated ortho-Quinone Methides J. Y. Du*, Y. H. Ma, R. Q. Yuan, N. N. Xin, S. Z. Nie, C. L. Ma, C. Z. Li, C. Q. Zhao Org. Lett. 2018, 20, 477-480.

        11- Synthesis of Metal Complexes with an Open-Cage Fullerene as the Ligand, Z. S. Zhou, N. N. Xin, L. B. Gan*. Chem. Eur. J. 2018, 24, 451-457.

        12- Three Pd-decavanadates with a controllable molar ratio of Pd to decavanadate and their heterogeneous aerobic oxidation of benzylic C–H bonds, X. Q. Huang*, J. K. Li, G. D. Shen, N. N. Xin, Z. G. Lin, Y. N. Chi, J. M. Dou, D. C. Li, C. W. Hu Dalton Trans. 2018, 47, 726-733.

        13- One-Pot Process That Efficiently Generates Single Stereoisomers of 1,3-Bisphosphinylpropanes Having Five Chiral Centers H. Zhang, Y. M. Sun, Y. L. Zhao, Z. Y. Zhou, J. P. Wang, N. N. Xin, S. Z. Nie, C. Q. Zhao*, L. B. Han. Org. Lett., 2015, 17, 142–145.

        14- Addition of optically pure H-phosphinate to ketones: selectivity, stereochemistry and mechanism, Y. M. Sun, N. N. Xin, Z. Y. Xu, L. J. Liu, F. J. Meng, H. Zhang, B. C. Fu, Q. J. Liang, H. X. Zheng, L. J. Sun, C. Q. Zhao*, L. B. Han Org. Biomol. Chem., 2014, 12, 9457.

        15- Synthesis of an azahomoazafullerene C59N(NH)R and Gas-Phase formation of the diazafullerene C58N2, H. Huang, G. H. Zhang, D. Wang, N. N. Xin, S. S. Liang, N. D. Wang, L. B. Gan* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 5037 –5040.

        16- Bromination-mediated regioselective preparation of cyclopentadienyl-type [60]fullerene derivatives with alkoxy, peroxy, and bromo or hydro addends, J. X. Zhang, N. N. Xin, L. B. Gan* J. Org. Chem. 2011, 76, 1735–1741.

        17- Preparation of ketolactone and bislactone [60]fullerene derivatives and their conversion into open-cage fullerenes with a 12- or 15-membered orifice, J. X. Zhang, F. D. Wang, N. N. Xin, D. Z. Yang, L. B. Gan* Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2011, 5366–5373.

        18- Selective synthesis of fullerenol derivatives with terminal alkyne and crown ether addends, H. Huang, G. Zhang, S. S. Liang, N. N. Xin, L. B. Gan* J. Org. Chem. 2012, 77, 2456−2462.

        19- Facile preparation of fullerenyl boronic estersZ. F. Dai, Z. P. Jiang, G. Zhang, N. N. Xin, L. B. Gan* Tetrahedron 2012, 68, 5193-5196.


        山东省青年教师教学比赛三等奖 2021.05.

        bat365在线平台青年教师教学比赛一等奖 2020.12

         bat365在线平台信息化教学比赛等奖 2019.12.

         北京大学董事长奖学金 2012-2014

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